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Guyana is often promoted as ‘South America’s Biggest Little Secret’, because of its spectacular natural beauty, and amazing biological diversity. It is home to some of the world’s largest and rarest flora and fauna including the Victoria Regent Lily, the tiny Golden Frog, Cock – of – the – Rock bird, and b ush dogs. Yet, the natural beauty of Guyana is overshadowed by the poor management of solid waste in our cities, towns and communities. While some measures have been initiated to enhance waste collection and disposal services, to transform waste into usefu l resources, and to boost anti – littering enforcement efforts, there’s still much room for improvement. Littering and illegal dumping are widespread, there is limited emphasis on waste reduction and resource recovery, sustainable financing measures are lack ing, and the waste collection service coverage is inadequate. Without a clear path forward to reduce our waste and manage it better, Guyana’s long – term environmental, social and economic wellbeing will be at risk.

This strategy aims to provide the road m ap by which we can work steadily together to reduce and better manage our waste so that Guyana’s image as a nature haven is preserved and the health of its greatest resource — the Guyanese people — is protected. The strategic framework will guide decision maki ng by the government and serve as the foundation for establishing an integrated, financially self – sustaining, environmentally – sound, and socially – acceptable waste and resource recovery system for Guyana. The strategy outlines a vision of: Informed communities participating in a nation – wide, integrated, and financially self – sustaining waste management and resource recovery system that preserves public health and the environment, realises maximum value from resources, and minimises long – term costs to households, industry, and government . Three objectives or long – term outcomes have been identified, supported by six short – term goals and 44 strategic actions. The strategic framework is summarized in Table A1
